The cartilage damage that will result in painful joints as a result of development of degenerative osteo-arthritis, where the cost to the patient is very high.
These lesions are hardly recognizable in the early stages because the cartilage lacks nerve endings.
The failure of conservative treatment for longer than 4 to 6 months often leads to surgical treatment. There are several methods of surgical repair of cartilage defects of the knee, implemented by:
method microfracture with or without biological membrane,
transplantation of cultured autologous chondrocytes, and
transplantation of osteochondral fragments from surrounding areas.
What is the procedure before surgery; strong>
Performed to prepare for surgery. Performed x-rays, blood tests and ECG. Take a complete medical history with emphasis on cardiac and respiratory problems, allergies or previous surgery. Becomes final check by a cardiologist and anaisthisiologo.I process is usually done a few hours before surgery. P>
required keeping patients in the hospital; strong> p>
The patient may have been discharged on the same day. p>
What kind of anesthesia required; strong> p>
This is determined in consultation with the anesthesiologist or regional case may be, or general anesthesia. p>
What is the recovery time after surgery; strong> p>
The full return to racing activities (competitive sports) ranges from 4 to 6 months. p>
There are risks after surgery; strong> p>
The complication rate arthroscopy is less than 1% when performed by trained orthopedic surgeons. p>