The rupture may be partial or complete. The tendon rupture which is most commonly the supraspinatus. There may also be a rupture of other tendons singly or in combination.
The result is the appearance of bursting pain and weakness in the movements, particularly in turning movements of the shoulder, where the patient has difficulty to raise the upper end above the level of control omou.O Investigations often serves to confirm the diagnosis and for better planning treatment.
A small partial tear can be treated conservatively eg physiotherapy. In the event that does not stop the pain require surgical treatment because there is no auto-healing. Especially in full lacerations exists the risk of developing future arthropathy if they are left untreated.
The operation is performed using a camera in which the tendons are stranded with specific stitches to anatomical position. Upon removal of the patient from the surgery required minimum analgesia and antibiotic treatment.
What is the procedure before surgery; strong>
Performed to prepare for surgery. Performed x-rays, blood tests and ECG. Take a complete medical history with emphasis on cardiac and respiratory problems, allergies or previous surgery. Becomes final check by a cardiologist and anaisthisiologo.I process is usually done a few hours before surgery. P>
required keeping patients in the hospital; strong> p>
The patient may have been discharged on the same day. p>
What kind of anesthesia required; strong> p>
This is determined in consultation with the anesthesiologist or regional case may be, or general anesthesia. p>
What is the recovery time after surgery; strong> p>
The full return to racing activities is approximately nine months. p>
Are there risks after surgery; strong> p>
The complication rate arthroscopy is less than 1% when performed by trained orthopedic surgeons. p>