The dividing of the femoral condyles osteochondritida often observed in boys aged 15 to 20 years and is bilateral in 20% to 30 % of cases. Symptoms at the stage of separation of the bone fragment may be in motion pain , and swelling of the joint. If the dead piece loose and fall into the joint , then it is likely to appear sudden pain and limitation of motion of the knee , where it can unblock himself sufferer with mild shaking of the joint.
Without effective treatment , the bone- cartilage damage will result in a painful joint, with growth results degenerative osteo – arthritis.
The disease assessment is done by using special X-rays and MRI .
Conservative treatment includes immobilization of the joint for at least 8-10 weeks walking with partial charge and reassessment .
The surgical treatment consists of arthroscopic fixation partially or fully portion using ultrafine absorbable pins , and when this can not be done, then requires the use of graft to cover the deficit .
What is the procedure before surgery; strong>
Performed to prepare for surgery. Performed x-rays, blood tests and ECG. Take a complete medical history with emphasis on cardiac and respiratory problems, allergies or previous surgery. Becomes final check by a cardiologist and anaisthisiologo.I process is usually done a few hours before surgery. P>
required keeping patients in the hospital; strong> p>
The patient may have been discharged on the same day. p>
What kind of anesthesia required; strong> p>
This is determined in consultation with the anesthesiologist or regional case may be, or general anesthesia. p>
What is the recovery time after surgery; strong> p>
The full return to racing activities (competitive sports) ranges from 4 to 6 months. p>
There are risks after surgery; strong> p>
The complication rate arthroscopy is less than 1% when performed by trained orthopedic surgeons. p>