With this technique all the damaged portions of the meniscus,the articular cartilage,the free bodies and the osteophytes are removed. The process can significantly delay total knee arthroplasty.
What is the procedure before surgery; strong>
Performed to prepare for surgery. Performed x-rays, blood tests and ECG. Take a complete medical history with emphasis on cardiac and respiratory problems, allergies or previous surgery. Becomes final check by a cardiologist and anaisthisiologo.I process is usually done a few hours before surgery. P>
required keeping patients in the hospital; strong> p>
The patient may have been discharged on the same day. p>
What kind of anesthesia required; strong> p>
This is determined in consultation with the anesthesiologist or regional case may be, or general anesthesia. p>
What is the recovery time after surgery; strong> p>
Varies 4-5 weeks to partial meniscectomy to 10-12 weeks for suturing of the meniscus. p>
There are risks after surgery; strong> p>
The complication rate arthroscopy is less than 1% when performed by trained orthopedic surgeons. p>